Elbow Deep

I won't sugar coat it - today has been rough.  I have switched my home days with the boys from Thursday/Friday to Monday/Friday.  Since opening my practice I can't remember a busier Monday. My phone rang off the hook from 9:00 to 5:00.  In addition to the constant phone ringing - Finn made a major breakthrough in potty training.  This meant that I had to drop everything, including Sam at a moments notice to help Finn potty.   I think that he had at least 10 bowel movements today.  Now, they weren't all full fledged bowel movements.  In fact, most were tiny little pellets that Finn used in order to get Cars fruit snacks.  He would have a successful "go", eat his fruit snacks and then immediately tell me that he needed to potty again.  And usually he did.

After dinner, while Michael was working out I sat down to feed a starving Sam.  Right as I sat down Finn told me he needed to potty.  I felt terrible - I had to put Sam down and go with Finn.  Finn did use the potty - but it was very small.  I gave him a fruit snack, sat back Sam with poor starving Sam and no sooner than Sam had started eating Finn said he needed to potty again.  This happened three more times.  I felt awful for Sam.  But thankfully we did have a breakthrough with Finn.  I guess it is all worth it.  I haven't ever spent so much time in the bathroom.

In addition to phone calls and the potty training I had to find some time to workout with boys awake.  When I was on the treadmill I noticed that Finn was inching over towards me holding a movie.  I then started to notice that Finn was poised to throw one of the movies onto the moving belt.  I think I scared Finn to death yelling "No" over the loud hum of the treadmill.  That kids is going to kill me one of these days.

At lunch today Finn asked if he could watch one of "his shows."  I told him "no" that we were going to watch one of mine (Project Runway).  Finn fussed a little bit and told him he had two options.  He could sit on the couch and watch my show or he could go on to bed.  Much to my surprise he opted for an early nap.  I asked him if he was sure and he responded "put me in my big boy bed."   I complied even though it was bout 45 minutes before his actual nap time.  About five minutes later I heard Finn say from the top of the stairs, "I'll watch your show Mom."  It's so nice to win. 

Sam was a pretty good baby today.  He took a long nap midday, but otherwise he was awake most of the day.  I think that Sam may be the smiley-est baby I have ever seen.  When you smile at him he gives this enormous open mouthed grin.  It is so sweet.

 These are few pictures of Sam laying on a very special blanket that was given to him by Dave and Eve.  It is my favorite blanket of Sam's.  Dave and Eve bought this blanket for a very specific purpose close to their hearts.  However, due to circumstances they couldn't use the blanket as they had once planned and decided that they wanted to give it to Sam.  Thank you Dave and Eve for this sweet gift.


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