Diet Wild Cherry Pepsi

I have learned that Finn's freewill can be bought at the price of a sip of Diet Wild Cherry Pepsi.  Tonight Finn, my very own vegetarian (except for fish) ate a bite of chicken.  I told him that if he would take one bite of chicken he could have a sip of my drink.  He took two.  He told us that he thought the chicken was good - but you could tell by the look on his face that he wasn't crazy about either the taste or the texture.  Michael and I sat there and made "uummm" noices the whole time he was chewing to try to get him to like it more.  After he swallowed I gave him a sip of my drink.  Who knew Finn could be bought so easily.  In addition to trying chicken Finn ate a helping of Long Grain rice; which he has decided is good.

In other news involving cokes:  When I am drinking a coke Finn will walk up to me, flash me his sweetest smile and say "you can share your drink with me?"  If I am feeling generous I will give him a sip.  After his sip he will give me the cup back and say "now you take a drink."  Then we go back and forth until the cup is empty.  This morning we shared a drink.  When it was my turn I noticed that Finn had finished all but one small sip so I drank the rest it.  When Finn took the cup back he looked at me with a horrified expression and in a panicked voice said "you drank it all." 

After breakfast I did my best to get both the boys ready for their day at JTs.  Finn got a bit distracted as he was walking to the car.  Every time he sees a flower he will fun over, pick and say "I picked a pretty flower for you."  He is either really sweet, seriously manipulative or doing everything in his power to stall.

Sam had a good day today.  He spent most of it either sleeping or smiling.  He smiled through his entire bath. 


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