The Ultimate Sacrifice

Friday was a home day for me and the boys.  We spent the better part of the morning doing our weekly grocery shopping and then we spent the better part of the afternoon in the playroom.  While Finn was playing in the playroom I put Sam in the nap nanny.  Finn left the room for a few minutes and then reappeared holding his blankets - his "little" blanket, his "soft" blanket his "blanket" blanket and his "frog" blanket. Clearly Finn does not have a strange attachment to blankets.  Anyway, he started covering up Sam one by one while explaining to Sam which blanket is which.  Finally Finn grabbed his "little" blanket (which is his favorite) and shoved the corner in Sam's mouth (Finn used to suck on it when he was a baby). 

Did I mention that Finn brought in his turtle as well.  Finn took great care to see that Sam had a "proper" nap.  Such a sweet big brother.

The next day (Saturday) I decided to start on my painting project - a.k.a the reason I am behind on my blogging.  The plan was to paint the boy's bathroom and the playroom.  Finn helped me tape the baseboards in the bathroom.  He was so cute - he was so careful when it came to taping.  I would give him a strip of tape and he would get down really low, look very intensely at the baseboard and then ever so carefully put the tape on. It was an absolute terrible job, but he had the motions correct.

After his nap he left to go to Grandad and Gigi's house for the remainder of the weekend.  After he left I started the actual painting.  I finished right before dinner and it looked pretty good.  For dinner Michael took me and Sam to Fulins.  Sam sat in the booth next to Michael and didn't make a peep.  After dinner we invited Brandon and Carissa over for some cookies.  I took Oreo cookies, wrapped them in chocolate chip cookie dough and baked them.  They were quite good.

While we adults were eating cookies Ella took care of Sam.  She is such a little mother.  She looked in on him all night.  When I held Sam she stood right next to me and held his hand.

On Sunday I painted the playroom - almost twice.  As it turns out the paint wasn't exactly the right color.  Oh well.  While I was painting Sam spent some time with Gran.


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