Being George Balhan

Finn has always been interested in proper names and titles.  For as long as I can remember it has been important to Finn know exactly what something is called.  For example, he wasn't satisfied calling his dinosaurs by a general name - he wanted to know the proper name.  The same holds true for monster trucks.  It is no longer "Monster Jam" but instead, "Advanced Auto Parts Monster Jam."  In addition, he wants to know the names of the drivers.  Right now his favorite driver is George Balhan, the driver of the Mohawk Warrior.  This isn't surprising as George Balhan wears his hair in an enormous mohawk.  When we are in the bathtub Finn will ask us to fix his hair like George Balham.

In addition to Finn a.k.a George's photo shoot - Sam had a few glamour shots as well. 

He also tried his hand at climbing the stool - which reminds me, Sam climbs up the stairs now.

Sam also will give "kisses" now.  I found this out yesterday when I was giving Michael a kiss before he left for work.  Michael was holding Sam and leaned over to give me a peck.  Seeing this Sam puckers his lips, leans in and give me kiss right on the smacker.  

As for Monday and Tuesday, Sam played the role of an only child.  Finn spent Sunday night and Monday night with Grandad and Gigi.  On Tuesday night Gigi brought Finn home and spent the night with us.  On Wednesday Gigi stayed home with Finn and Sam while I was at work.  She also had dinner hot on the stove when I got home at 4:00.  Thank you Gigi - I know the boys had a good time.  


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