Healthy Cereal

Much to Michael's annoyance, I allowed Finn to pick out his own cereal this week.  He walked down the cereal aisle until he saw the "Yucky Charms."  When we got home and Michael saw Finn's selection he gave me an annoyed look and told Finn that he could only eat the Lucky Charms "sometimes" and that he had to eat healthy cereal too.

On Sunday morning Finn was excited to eat his breakfast.  I poured him a big bowl of Lucky Charms, which he promptly finished.  Upon asking for "more" I told Finn that he could not have more Lucky Charms.  Always the "thinker" Finn said, "mom, can I have healthy Lucky Charms?"

When we got to church we learned that Sam's Sunday School class had changed.  I'm not sure if it has changed for good or if his class was too full.  Either way, Sam didn't mind.  When I went to pick him up after worship I saw the cutest little boy standing at the baby gate, smiling at everyone passing by.  FYI - that cute little boy was mine.  I was tickled because he never stands at the gate. 

After church we drove down to Antioch to have lunch with Grandad, Gigi, Em and the boys.  Finn, Coop and Hank were all scheduled to spend the night with Grandad and Gigi and go to the Aquarium.  We had a nice lunch at Olive Garden, followed by a rather unpleasant work related home visit off Bell Road (I never waste a trip to Nashville).

Even though he was stuck in his car seat for an hour and half and hadn't taken a nap, Sam was so well behaved. 


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