Early to Bed, Early to Rise.....

Finn is a morning person.  Everyday about six o'clock I hear Finn shuffling around in our bedroom.  After three and half years of trying to get Finn to sleep later, Michael and I finally accepted our fate and have tried to make the best of it.  Now, when Finn comes to our room in the morning we give him a phone.  Finn then goes into our closet and watches Monster Jam videos on YouTube.   We require that he use the closet A) because it doesn't disturb our sleep and B) it doesn't disturb Sam's sleep either.

On the weekdays this setup is very effective.  Finn usually tires of the closet about the time I need to get up to get ready for work.  Saturdays are a different story altogether.  By contrast Sam is a wonderful sleeper.  He would probably sleep until 8:00 every morning if he could.  With that said, on Saturdays I want to stay in the bed until Sam forces me out.  This Saturday was no exception .  About 8:00 I hear Sam moving around on the monitor.  Finn must have heard him too, because he came running over to my side of the bed and told me to go get Sam.  I ignored both boys as neither where fussing, crying or screaming. 

Finn then decides to take matters into his own hands.  Before going to bed the night before I left a half full Route 44 diet vanilla coke on my nightstand.  At some point after 8:00 a.m. on Saturday I hear Finn whisper to me, "mom I have Sam some of your Toke" (as Finn calls its). I looked over and saw that my cup was gone.  Groggily I asked Finn, did you give him a sip through the bars of his crib?  "Nope," was the answer I got.

If Finn was looking for a reaction - he got one.  I hopped out of bed like a tornado and tore down the hallway toward Sam's room - sure that he had spilled coke all over himself and his bed.  Not only was Sam dry as a bone - he looked cute as a button.     

Later that day we met Nana, Papa, Emily, Zac and the boys for Emily's 30th birthday dinner Demos in Murfreesboro.  There were three other large parties that arrived minutes before we did so we had to wait a while to be seated.  This was surely a recipe for disaster.   As it turns out all the boys were great.  Finn sat down at the end of the Table with Nana and Cooper and ate bread.  Sam sat next to me and ate bread.  We LOVE Demos bread!


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