Busted . . .

Saturday was great - the weather was wonderful so we spent most of the day running in and out of the house.  I had a nice run in the morning.  Michael and Finn went to home depot.  When they got home they started on the yard work.  Before getting started Finn brought me his new Mickey Mouse gardening gloves.  Then he grabbed his tools and offered his assistance to Michael.  The gloves came off pretty quickly - Finn told me it was "too hot." 

 Looking at this picture, I can't believe that Finn is only three years old.

After both boys were up from their naps Finn, Sam and I went to the store to get burgers for the grill.  Sam sampled a piece of gouda - and he DID NOT like it.  A few minutes later I noticed a milky white liquid pooling in Sam's mouth.  The poor child would not swallow the bit of cheese.  He wasn't fussing, but he every few seconds he made the "this is gross face."   I grabbed a paper towel from the deli and I tried my best to wash his mouth out.  We ended up doing some pretty major shopping.  Finn sat in the back of the buggy until such time he was buried in groceries.  When he was out he walked nicely next to the buggy - then we walked to the toy aisle.  Who puts baby wipes adjacent from the toys?  Finn found an "Ironman" mask.  He put it on and modeled for me.  He listened and obeyed when I asked him to put it back.  Then he helped me empty the buggy for the first time.  He really enjoyed that - I did too.

On the way home Finn said, "Mom, I love you."  I told him that I loved him too.  I thought, how sweet.  Then he said, "mom, why are you mean to me in the morning if you love me?"  Busted!  Finn drives me crazy in the morning. He gets right in my face and uses his finger to trace the lines of my face - I can't stand that.  Michael and I won't let him in the bed - just so that we don't start bad habits.  Finn is clearly upset about this. 

When we got home Sam and I started cooking - me in the kitchen and Sam in the den.  Sam has started to show interest in using a bowl and spoon.  He like to get a plastic spoon, dip it in a bowl or cup and pretend to eat - he will even finish up with a resound "UMMMMM."  He has since expanded his horizons and pretends to feed me and Michael with a spoon.  

We are getting hair cuts this week!!!

Finn asked me to take this picture.

Later that night we fired up the grill. Brandon, Carissa, Addison and Ella came over for dinner.  The kids played in the yard for a couple of hours while we sat out at the patio table and ate hamburger patties.  It was really the perfect evening.  We were able to relax and talk while the kids ran around the yard.  I love having a fence, even if the motivation was sheer laziness.  At one point the boys were running around screaming about a "bad guy."  Turns out the "bad guy" was Ella; sweet little, two year old Ella.  Such imaginations!

After it got dark, we all came inside for homemade ice cream.  The kids played in the floor.  At some point Finn started whining and Addison began to cry.  No one saw what happened, but Finn was clearly not hurt - I presume Addison thought he was.  I told Addison not to worry because Finn was "fine" and that "you (Addison) didn't hurt Finn."  Finn popped up and very matter of factly said, "mom, he did hurt me."  This made Addison feel worse.  Then Finn decided to rub salt in the wound a little bit more by walking over to Addison and saying, "Addison did hurt me."  I was so embarrassed.  I knew by Finn's reaction that he was NOT hurt.  This didn't stop Finn from trying to milk the situation.


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