The Boss

Finn has a strange new fascination with "who's in charge."  Today I told Finn that I would not go outside and play with him because I was working in the kitchen.  He proceeds to tell me that I have to.  I, again, tell him "not right now."  He states, "yes, right now" and tells me that I have to listen to him.  I remind him that he has to listen to me because I am the boss.  Very seriously he responds, "you're not the boss, daddy's the boss. You're a girl mom, that's why you're not the boss."  One day Finn will learn to choose his words more wisely.

Well, Finn may not think that I am the boss, but Sam sure does.  Sam has become familiar with the "time-out" corner.  He is so pitiful.  When you discipline Sam, it cuts to the quick.  He puts his little head down and looks so ashamed.  While is head is down he lifts his eyes to see if he is still getting the "evil stare." If so, he lowers his head again.  It's precious. 


On Friday I almost had a nervous breakdown when I discovered that I had almost missed a deadline to file an appeal for a client.  At 8:30 a.m. I decided just to double check my rule book and sure enough my appeal was due that same day.  I rush to draft the appeal document, throw the boys in the car and take off for Lebanon.  When we got to the clerk's office, Clerk Jessica offered Finn a sucker.  Finn refused to say thank you so I put the sucker in my pocket.  We were at the clerk's office for a good ten (10) minutes chatting and the whole time I was pleading with Finn to say thank you - I was so embarrassed.  After we left the building Finn told me that he wanted his sucker.  I told him that he couldn't have it because he didn't thank Jessica.  Finn turns around, heads back into the courthouse, walks up to Jessica and says "thank you for the sucker."  Jessica responds, "good job mom!"  I must admit, I felt pretty good.

Next we went to Nashville to visit daddy.  Finn has reminded me several times over the last couple of weeks that we haven't been to daddy's office for a long time.  On our way there Finn asks to listen to the Gandolf song.  We were already listening to a song that Sam was enjoying so I told Finn that he would have to wait.  Finn breaks into his "bratty" fake cry.  This lasts for approximately ten (10) minutes. Meeting a wall of resistance,  Finn tries a different approach.  To those of you familiar with "Super Why" you can appreciate this story.  Finn then says, "Mom, I don't want to listen to this song, see, it says so in my story, The boy did not want to listen to this song." In "Super Why" the super readers change the story.   The main character will always run into a problem.  They can't solve the problem because they are bound to the language on the page.  The character, in exasperation, will always say,  "but I can't do ____________, see it says so in my story,  ______________."  Finn pulled the language, the inflection and the proper use right out of "Super Why."  In spite of how astounded I was, I still did not relent. 

Next we met Daddy at Arby's for lunch.  Lunch was not even remotely relaxing.  Both boys were bundles of energy and they completely wore us out.  Michael's expression just about sums it up.

When we got home the boys both went to bed.  Finn and I took a nap in my room.  Sam took his usual nap with his bunny.


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