The Chicken . . . Or the Egg?

In the Hunt household the answer to the age old question "which comes first, the chicken or the egg" is undoubtedly the chicken.    On Saturday we all went to spend the night at Nana and Papa's house for a pre-Easter warmup.   When we got there Nana met us at the stairs and told Finn that she has a surprise.

Both boys thought the chicks were neat, but both were a little apprehensive about touching them.

After the boys sufficiently tortured the chicks, we went downstairs for dinner.  Finn ate a pop-tart at the little table.

 After supper the boys dyed Easter Eggs. 

 Check out those fingers. 

Next it was bedtime.  All the boys had baths and then all the boys settled into Emily's room to go to sleep.  It was hilarious.  Sam and Hank both cried when we laid them down.  They pretty much kept each other awake for thirty minutes.  Coop was a little angel sleeping on the air mattress and Finn slept in Em's bed with Nana.
 On Sunday we went to church with Nana and Papa.  Finn didn't cry at all when we dropped him off at the nursery. 

When we got home we had a nice lunch and then the boys did an in door Easter egg hunt.  They were all so precious.  Finn got excited every time he found one.

 While Sam didn't hunt this year, he enjoyed the spoils.
Before we left to go home Finn took all of his eggs and hid them.  He walked into the TV and told me that it was my turn to hunt for eggs.  He then showed me everywhere he had hid one (which was all the same places we hid them for the kids).  It was quite sweet. 

We really had a great weekend.  Both boys were out cold in the car.  Finn fell asleep holding his eggs. 


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