My Boots are Better than Your Boots

There are few things in this life that excite Finn more than when Uncle David comes to visit.  When he walks in the door it like someone has injected him with catnip - the boys attack him and are glued to him the rest of the night.

On Thursday when I picked the boys up from Victoria's I told Finn that Uncle David was coming to see him.  He talked about it all the way home.  When we made it home Finn was so disappointed to see that Uncle David was not there.  I told Finn to play in the yard and he would be here soon.  Within minutes I see Uncle David's head poke around the backdoor. It was on!  The boys played in the backyard until dinner.

Once inside the boys decided that they wanted to take a little ride.  I don't think they gave him a moments peace the entire night.  Finn probably asked Uncle David to play with every toy he has ever owned.  Finn also showed him is "new" monster truck show. 

 Isn't Uncle David a good sport. 

At one point in the evening Finn looked down and noticed Uncle David's boots.  He was stunned to learn that they were made of alligator skin.  I missed most of the conversation - so hopefully Uncle David will fill us in the comments section, hint, hint :)

 When it was time for bed Uncle David helped Finn get his jammies on. Such a  fun night!


  1. Griffin asked why my boots were made of alligator. I said cause they're tough.
    Griffin was wearing some snow boots, we looked at his and he said, "But mine are better"

  2. Spoken like a true self absorbed three year old.


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