New Developments.

This is a random assortment of new things from Sam and Finn this week.

1. This week Sam learned that he could stack blocks. The boys play in the playroom in the mornings while Michael and I scramble to get ready. On Tuesday Sam found Finn's box of blocks and started his "three block masterpiece." He tried his best to stack four blocks, but couldn't quite get there.

2. This was a pretty hectic week for us. Michael was out of town from Monday morning through Wednesday night. Finn spent the night with Gran on Monday night so that he could ride with her to preschool the next day. Before she left Finn and I played "pirates." It is a pretty simple game - Finn gets his "Jake and the Neverland Pirates" sword with retractable map and we walk around the housing looking for treasure. I have learned that Gran plays it even better because she uses "clues." Finn now asks for clues when we play.

3. Speaking of games, Finn has created a new game called "What Monster Truck do you Like Mom?" Usually we play in the car. Finn, out of the blue, will ask me which monster truck I like. After I give him an answer he will say, "I like fill-in-the-blank monster truck. Immediately he will ask again "what monster truck do you like mom?" This can literally go on for thirty minutes - there are tons of monster trucks. And far be it if you name a truck that Finn has already named. He is also quick to correct you if you make one up and try to pass it off as a Monster Jam monster truck.

4. Finn is also starting to appreciate Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. His favorite parts are the scenes with the "Basilisk" and the "Cobra" followed closely by the spiders and the Mandrake. Even though those may be the parts I like the least, I am happy that he showing great interest in Harry Potter. He even recognized that the scene where he goes into Dumbledore's office as a scene from my Harry Potter Christmas ornament collection - Sherbet Lemon!

5. While we are on the subject of my favorite movies, yesterday while in the car Finn asked me to turn on the "Gandolf" song. While fumbling with my IPod he started singing the main hero theme from the "Fellowship of the Ring" perfectly. Given that he hasn't seen Lord of the Rings since Christmas, I was floored. I think this child may be a little musician in the making.

6. Sam has a few new words. He is now saying "doggy" and "cookie." He grins from ear to ear when he says either.

7. On Wednesday night Finn, Sam and I went to see Michael pay in the Hendersonville City League Championship. I was excited to so see Michael play, but I knew it would be difficult to keep the boys off the court. Gran came to the game too. During the last few minutes of the game, Finn told Gran that she yells too loud and it hurts his ears. Anyone who knows Gran knows that there isn't a more supportive fan in Middle Tennessee, and we love her for it.

8.  Sam now lays on his stomach at the top of the stairs and watches the downstairs TV.  I am still trying to get a picture of him laying on his stomach - is precious.

9.  Today Finn told me that he wanted to make a house under the kitchen table.  He used blankets for the floors and pillows for the doors.  I asked Finn what town his house was in and he said "Manchester."  He proceeds to ask me if we could pretend to be Nana and Papa.


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