Woes of the Week

Okay, well I haven't blogged in a long time - a week to be exact.  Truth be told it has been a hard week.  Just for reference, my work computer died, taking with it three (3) years of legal work.  Yes, I know that I should be backing up regularly - lesson learned.  Thankfully, the I.T. guys recovered my hard drive so I didn't actually lose anything.  Next my laptop was not compatible with my printer/scanner/fax.  After long phone calls with Brother I was able to get everything worked out.  My new computer came in Friday and I spent the bulk of the day loading all necessary  programs on it.  This meant tearing my house apart looking for Word disk - which turned out not to work.  Then I tore the house apart again looking for Michael's Word disk.  Thankfully everything works now, but it has been a stressful week.

On to more pressing matters - I will attempt to catch up on the past week.  On Saturday we took the boys to the park.  Finn and Sam both took a turn on the swing, but the part that Sam liked the best was walking up the slide.

I wish that I could remember more about the work week - but not a whole lot is coming to mind.  Deniece had surgery on Wednesday and is recovering well.  She also learned that she does not have cancer so that was an answered  prayer as well.

I had several court appearances this week so the boys were with Victoria Monday through Thursday.  On Friday, the boys were home with me.  We spent all day at home cleaning.  The boys were really well behaved until Michael got home and then Finn had to go to timeout.  Finn pitched a huge fit.  Sam was curious about his brother's predicament and decided to go check on him.   

Since was it was nice outside we ate our chicken noodle soup outside on the patio. 


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