
Friday was a tough "home" day.  Not because the boys acted like hellions, in fact, it was quite the opposite; they were pretty good.  They played well together, followed instructions pretty well and took good naps without my having to threaten them within an inch of their little lives.  The reason the day was so tough was because I spent fifty percent (50%) of it cleaning up liquid messes.  I am not being sarcastic when I report that Finn spilled no less than four drinks; how, I still am unclear as most of his cups have lids.  Sam also got in on the action by spilling half of Route 44 Diet Vanilla Coke all over the hardwood.  I take full responsibility of this one as I am old enough to know better than to put a ginormous drink within reach (albeit "tip-toe" reach) of Sam. 

As I was cleaning up the Sonic drink and thinking to myself that I can't possibly clean up another spill, Finn yells from the bathroom, "mom, I made a mess."  I didn't think too much about it because Finn is a superb "pottier."  He is so neat and careful and has never missed.  I told him not to worry, and that I would clean it up in a little bit.  We all went about our business with no further issue.  That is until I remembered to go check on Finn's mess.  I was appalled when I walked into the downstairs bathroom and found "the puddle."  I couldn't believe it.  I didn't realize he was big enough to leave such a mess, but alas I was wrong.  Downtrodden and defeated and I set off to find another towel.

As I mentioned the other parts of the day were nice.  Early that morning we went to the Courthouse where Finn and Sam found the playroom.   Both boys are so comfortable at the Courthouse (pretty sad?). While I was in the workroom, they wondered in and out of the playroom - to the waiting area - to workroom.   The staff all know them and no longer seemed alarmed when they find a random baby crawling around unattended.  Lynn happened to be there that day.  She took one look at the boys and said, "they look just like their father!"  Bear in mind, Lynn has never met Michael.  Her reasoning was they MUST look just like their father because they look nothing like me.  She amended her statement to say, "except for Sam, a little, when he smiles." I'll take that.

When we got home, Finn asked me to play Monster Jam.  I explained that it was a work day and that I had to work.  With a very serious look Finn said, "Mom, if you don't play Monster Jam with me I won't let you "play work" or "clean the kitchen."  So reminiscent of me saying, "Finn if you don't do ____________, I won't let you play Monster Jam.  Its funny what your children pick up on.



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