Fashion Show . . . sorry Dad

Today Finn and I went to spend the weekend with Nana and Papa. Due to recent events (Finn being called a girl) we decided to have a little fashion show. However, this was not exactly your conventional fashion show because we had Finn try on some of my old clothes. Greg told us that we should be ashamed. Finn looked pretty cute in my old clothes - but I still think that he is all boy. Just in case anyone is disturbed, please rest assured that this was simply for entertainment purposes and that we have no intention of raising Finn as a girl.

After the fashion Finn was able to tap back into his masculine side by spending time with Papa while Mom and I went to get pizza.

Finn had a really difficult time both going to sleep and staying asleep tonight. He woke up about three times and at around 3:00 I finally put him in the bed with me.


  1. This brings back so many memories of precious baby Erin! Love you all, Laura


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