Spy ware - BOOOOO

Well I have not exactly been able to blog this week because my computer was infected with spyware. (I also managed to take next to no pictures - YIKES) So I am just going to sum this week up. On Monday Finn decided that he was going to vomit all day. Normally it wouldn't have bothered me, but with Finn's skull issue I was a little panicky. My first thought was that his skull was squishing his brain and the pressure was causing him to vomit. Even though I was nervous about the all the "yacking" I was really tickled at Finn's behavior. He would be playing and laughing and then all of a sudden he would spew - after which he was right back to laughing and playing. I don't think that he even realized that he had thrown up everywhere. He was completely back to normal by the next day. I have a few theories for why Finn got sick. He was either teething or he drank some "spoiled" breastmilk. Yes, I admit it - I had a few old bottles of breastmilk in the fridge. Those of you who know me well are probably not surprised, grossed out maybe, but not surprised. As for the teething, sny pediatrician that tell you that teething does not have cause sickness is full of bologna.

I don't have a clue about what happened on Tuesday or Wednesday. I honestly cannot remember those two days at all. That only makes me realize how important it is to blog! Thursday Nana came to visit. Finn was so excited to see Nana that he decided not to sleep at all! Nana rocked him while we watched the Saturday Night Live special. Finn was awake and calm the entire time. Then he did something that he has never done with me before - he fell asleep on the couch next to me without eating!

The next day Nana kept Finn while I was at work. When I got home that evening Finn and Nana were waiting for me at the front door. Later that evening the girls from our Sunday School class came over for a Harry Potter Extravaganza! Finn was not invited - so he went with his Dad to hang with John and JT. I have it on good authority that Finn behaved very badly while at the Apedaile's. This is very frustrating to me. Apparently Finn is a pretty good baby when his parents are not around. But if he gets anywhere near us he turns into a fussy eating machine.


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