
This what Finn looked like at 7:30 a.m.

This is Finn's first attempt to sit up.

Finn chewing on his soothie.

Finn at 3:00 p.m.

Finn and his crib puppy.

Finn chewing on his rattle.

Finn's drain tube and incision.

Courtesy of my sweet Sunday School girls!

Finn at 8:00 p.m.

Finn at 9:00 p.m. Still cute as a button.

Last was Finn's first night in the ICU. I don't think that I slept more than 1 hour at a time the entire night. For one it is really bright in the hallway, second, Finn was up every hour, third, the machines beeped fairly often, fourth, the nurse came in every two hours to check Finn's vitals and finally the bagpipes woke me up every three hours. There is a soothing music channel that loops all day. For the most part the music is very quiet, but there is one song that features bagpipes and they are loud.

At 7:00 one of the neuro physicians came in to check on Finn. He told me that he would take Finn's drain tube out tomorrow. He also removed Finn's dressing. Finn's poor little head was very swollen and his right eye was swollen shut. After the doctor left I turned on "Sid the Science Kid". It was so funny to see Finn watching "Sid" with one eye. After "Sid" was over Finn went back to sleep for a while. Finn slept most of the day. Every few hours he would wake up and play with his toys. He would pick up his duck and rotate his wrist and he would also shake his rattle. At one point he put his teething ring in the mouth. He can't do much at one time but he is at least making an effort. He has also started talking a little bit. I looked at him today and said "Mama" - he looked right back and me and said "Dada."

Finn continued to swell most of the day. By 7:00 p.m. both of his eyes had swollen shut. Even still, he looks pretty good. I was expecting him to look much worse. The doctors told us that he will continue to swell until tomorrow afternoon. Finn also received a blood transfusion tonight around 7:30.

Finn also had several visitors today. Victoria and JT came this morning to visit. My sweet Sunday School class and Lindsay and Courtney made Finn some "get better" cards. I hung them on Finn's window. They make everything look so homey. At some point during the day the preschool pastor from our church came to visit. Apparently I was conked on the seat/bed. At around 1:00 Deniece came to visit. At 3:30 Dad and Gina came. After dad and Gina left David and Sharon stopped by. Brandon came at dinner time and brought us pizza from "Mello Mushroom." When we got back upstairs we ran into Mr. Joe, Joel and Angie. James stopped by with some Sesame Orange Chicken and Tommy dropped in after work.

Finn is doing great. I can't wait for tomorrow because I will more than likely get to hold him!!!


  1. aahhh, the bagpipes. That is toward the end of the video and I always hated that part of it. It doesn't go with everything else. We watched that music channel for 2 months solid.


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