I Got No Strings On Me
Today was a fairly busy day. Finn woke up at 3:00 and we hung out until 5:00. At around 8:00 the nurses removed all the wires attached to Finn. I was finally able to pick him up and hold him without accidentally pulling wires off of him (not that he actually wanted me to hold him). Next MiMi came to visit and brought a fruit tray. She also brought Finn a lullaby puppy and a Thomas the Train outfit.
After MiMi left the nurses told me that they were moving us up to the eighth floor. At around 1:30 we relocated to room 8416. It is much homier than being in the PICU. Once all of our stuff was situated Michael and I went downstairs to get some lunch. While we were out Gene and Minnie stopped in to see Finn. Next, Mr. Joe came by. By this time Finn was in a great deal of pain and I couldn't get him to go to sleep. Since Finn really isn't interested in nursing I feel like I have lost all of my superpowers not to mention my usefulness altogether. In order to get him to sleep I used a technique that Deniece showed me a few hours prior - when all else fails dance them to sleep. It worked like a charm, my arms were on fire, but Finn actually fell asleep with his head up.
Later on in the evening Mom, MJ, Zac and Cooper came to visit and to take me to supper at the Subway! When we got back up to the room Finn was in better spirits. He laid on his back on the couch next to Mom and chewed on a tube of Boudreaux's Baby Butt Paste for a long time. As expected it was almost impossible to get Finn to go to sleep. I worked on it for at least an hour - I rocked him and hummed movie soundtracks until he finally laid his head down on my shoulder and went to sleep. It was really sweet.
As for Finn's overall condition, he is doing really well today. The swelling in his eyes in almost completely gone and he is acting like himself. I am absolutely amazed at how quickly he is healing! I knew that Finn was back to normal when I saw him trying to play on the laptop.
Finn, I have checked your blog multiple times a day and was so excited when I saw your sweet face today. You are healing so quickly and already look like your sweet smiley self again. God is great! Love you, Kara
ReplyDeleteErin, I am so happy Finn is doing well! He looks wonderful! Augie had surgery a few years ago by Dr. Kelly too. Great doctor. You are in our prayers. Remember His grace is enough! What you can't handle God will. Looking good Finn! Avery says hi! Love, Katie Loveless Corley