Water Baby

Today Finn took a big bath - meaning that I ran the water all the way up to his underarms. He loved playing the deep bath water.

He also pulled himself up on the side of the tub. He has never pulled up on anything. My theory is that it is easy for him to pull that big body up when he is in the water. You now how you can left heavy things with ease in the pool - same idea. Once Finn got up it wasn't long before he started the long and arduous process of sitting back down. I will provide the play by play.

Here we see that Finn is standing straight up. He doesn't look tired and he is clearly proud of himself.

Now, in this picture we see that Finn, while still enjoying his new talent, is starting to slide back down.

Now this picture indicates that Finn is starting to tire. Note the tongue hanging out of his mouth and the smile has left his face. Nevertheless, he his hanging in there.

Here Finn is holding on for dear life, literally - he can't swim.

Here he we see that Finn has officially given up. The only thing holding him up is his nose. Once those legs go, the whole thing is over.

And the legs have gone. Finn has fallen and is completely under water. He sunk like a rock. I was not able to document the fall because I thought it was a bit more important to fish Finn out. Finn's underwater adventure didn't seem to scare him at all. He of course coughed and gagged and put on quite a performance, but he didn't cry.

After drying Finn off I sat him down in the bathroom floor while I ran downstairs to get his lotion. I was gone maybe 20 seconds max. Much to my shock and horror, when I arrived back in the bathroom I saw that Finn was chewing on my panties. Yes, they were clean (I was getting ready to shower myself) but still a shocking sight!

After Finn's bath he was really fussy. He would look at me and whine and then he would ask for his Dad (Michael was out of town for a hearing). I attempted to feed him, but he was too mad and wiggly so I made an executive decision to just put in his crib. I laid him down and he looked really puzzled, but no tears. I then left the room, no tears. Next I went into my bedroom to take the sheets off of the bed because Fannie had thrown up on them, no tears. On my way down to the laundry I checked on him and he was sound asleep. SCORE! I may have jinxed it, but I do believe that Finn is slowly beginning to wean himself.


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