Playin' hooky

Today Finn and I laid out of church. We have been instructed by Finn's physicians to make sure that he doesn't get sick. In order to keep Finn germ free we decided it was best to keep him away from the nursery for obvious reasons.

We got up at about 6:30 this morning. I took Finn downstairs and he immediately started playing. He was most interested in his wooden spoon. Finn spent the rest of the morning sitting in the floor watching me clean. After lunch, Finn and I cozied up on the couch and took a nice long nap. Then we went to the Begley's to make homemade pizzas for Tommy's going away dinner. When we got back home we all sat together on the couch and watched the a new mini series on the Discovery channel about American history. It was great day. Now, we are gearing up to go VCH to meet with Finn's surgical team.

In other news . . .

Over the past few days I have noticed that Finn is starting to become a little "ham." As such it is getting harder and harder to get a picture of Finn with his eyes open.
Exhibit A
Exhibit B

Exhibit C

I may have overstated that a bit, but I am definitely starting a notice that Finn's personality is getting bigger and more cheesy.

This is a picture of Finn attempting to break into his wipes. FYI he got one out. I walked in from the kitchen to find Finn sucking on a wet - one. He won't eat applesauce, but this he likes!

Finn is starting to attempt to pull up on things now. He upper body is not strong enough to pull up his lower body, but he is making some progress.

Finn took his first shower today. Both Finn and I really needed a shower, but we were in a hurry to go to the Begley's for Pa's going away dinner. In order to save time I put Finn in the shower with me. This is a lot harder than it looks. Finn weighs 24 pounds now. It is really hard to hold a wet, soapy, 24 pound baby all the while trying to wash his hair. I ended up having to set him in the floor which caused water to drip down all over him. Needless to say, Finn didn't really like the shower.

Finn is becoming more and more fond of his kitty. The feelings are not mutual.
Oh, and it's official - Finn's first word is DaDa. He has been saying it for a while, but I don't think that he understood what it meant. However, this weekend Finn has been looking right at Michael and saying "DaDa." It is precious - but I am so jealous I can't see straight. Congratulations Michael . . .


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