Wooden Spoon

The main reason for posting this picture is to show off Finn's two bottom teeth. He refuses to let me see those teeth much less get a picture of them. But as always Mama is quite "trixy" and was able to steal a picture.

When I was a little girl, I had a very healthy fear of the "wooden spoon." I knew that if I misbehaved at church, school or in public I would earn some one-on-one time with the spoon. This week Finn was introduced to the spoon, however, his reaction was quite different. Instead of shuttering at the very sight of the spoon, Finn reaches for it. The spoon has quickly become one of Finn's favorite toys.

Today we sat in the living room floor and played with the spoon for a while. He was so excited about that spoon.
One thing that Finn really likes to do is roll his wrist around in circles. He has discovered that he can roll his wrists while holding on to the spoon. It looks like he is wielding a magic wand. He can really sling that spoon around with a lot of force and very little control - a very bad combination. At one point today I remember thinking that it is really going to hurt when Finn pops himself in the face.
Apparently it didn't hurt as bad as I thought it would. Just in case my last sentence wasn't clear - milliseconds before this picture was taken Finn had whacked himself with the spoon. Even so Finn is not afraid of the "spoon."


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