This morning Finn woke up and spent some time with his Nana. I was afraid that after having not slept the night before he would be really grouchy. He was actually in a fairly good mood. He and Nana played with his computer, they rocked, and Finn showed Nana his unmatched talent for getting snot all over everything.

Finn also hoodwinked his Mama today. I have been certain that he had an "upper" tooth coming in (which explains the fussiness). I have been watching that tooth for the past few days willing it to come on in so that Finn will chill out. Well, while I was waiting for the "upper" tooth to come in I completely overlooked the fact that his lower teeth are starting to break the skin. The tooth hasn't broken through completely, but I can see that sharp, jagged little tooth just waiting to poke through and bite me. Anyway, to help with the pain I gave Finn an ice cube in his infant feeder.

After Mom left Finn and Michael went to Home Depot to buy weed killer. Once they got back Finn latched on (catch my drift?) and did not let go the entire afternoon and into the night (I am so sore). Finn has been so needy and I can't really put my finger on why (maybe its the teething). All I know is that I was exhausted by the time I got him in bed.
Finn also hoodwinked his Mama today. I have been certain that he had an "upper" tooth coming in (which explains the fussiness). I have been watching that tooth for the past few days willing it to come on in so that Finn will chill out. Well, while I was waiting for the "upper" tooth to come in I completely overlooked the fact that his lower teeth are starting to break the skin. The tooth hasn't broken through completely, but I can see that sharp, jagged little tooth just waiting to poke through and bite me. Anyway, to help with the pain I gave Finn an ice cube in his infant feeder.
After Mom left Finn and Michael went to Home Depot to buy weed killer. Once they got back Finn latched on (catch my drift?) and did not let go the entire afternoon and into the night (I am so sore). Finn has been so needy and I can't really put my finger on why (maybe its the teething). All I know is that I was exhausted by the time I got him in bed.
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