
This morning when I woke up I learned why Finn was so fussy and restless the night before. He woke up with three teeth; two on the bottom, and the other was a vampire tooth on the upper left side. Given the landscape of pop culture, Finn is going to be considered quite the hottie. Everything they say about teething it true - it is awful, and I'm sure the babies aren't that found of it either. Finn made me work hard for each one of those teeth. I am hoping that he will cut all of his teeth at the same time and get it over with.

Today Finn learned the steps necessary for planting a garden. Step 1. Put on clothes that you can get dirty. Step 2. Put on sunscreen. Step 3. Pursuant to Gardening 101 as written and perfected by Greg Hunt put on a hat - unfortunately Mama forgot to pack one.

Step 4. Proceed to the gardening area.

Step 5. Watch as Nana does all of the work.

Step 6. Take a break from all the "watching".
Step 7. Take yet another break. Watching others work is exhausting.

Step 8. Eat clover with Papa.

Step 9. Wash off. Nana keeps a clean house.
This was so funny. Mom would spray water in the air and it would come crashing down on top of Finn. The cold water scared him to death - but he managed to hold back the tears.

After playing outside all day, Finn was understandably exhausted. He went to bed promptly at 8:00 without a fight. However, at around 10:00 the screaming started. I knew that it was a lost cause so I got him up and he sat with us for an hour while we watched Hoarders and played with his toys.


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