I think that Finn may never get over this cold/bug (whatever this is). He was pretty lethargic all day yesterday.
We started the day with a late breakfast with Brandon, Carissa and Addison at the Cracker Barrel. Finn was good as gold. He sat in his high chair and ate crayons. I washed a good amount of blue chips out of his teeth. After finishing up the crayon Finn and I shared some cinnamon french toast. After I gave him the french toast I didn't hear another peep out of him. On our way out the door I took Finn over to the fireplace to let him feel the heat. All he could do was say "hot" every few seconds. He wouldn't even look in the direction of the fire.
After we got home Finn and I took a long nap. Then Finn and Michael went to eat leftovers at the Begley's while I prepared for court on Monday. Finn acted like he felt terrible the rest of the evening. At about 10:30 last night I went to wake Finn up to give him some Motion. When I went into his room I saw two quarter sized blobs of blood in his bed. I turned him over and saw that he had caked blood all over his nose and upper lip. It gave us quite a scare. We called the pediatrician and he told us that the nose bleed probably had to do with his cold and the fact that it is really dry. Still not completely satisfied we called MJ and Gina; waking up both (sorry guys). Gina confirmed what our pediatrician said. We ultimately decided not to take Finn to the hospital and instead just observed him the rest of the night for more blood. We also boiled a huge pot of water to add some moisture to the air. I felt so sorry for Finn. He was weak as water. We made him sit up for a while to breath the moisturized air. We tried to make it is as pleasant as possible for him. He laid on my chest and watched Phantom of the Opera until we put him back in bed around 1:00.
This morning he woke up at 6:30. He hadn't bled anymore so I felt much better. I brought him downstairs and we sat on the couch together. Finn cuddled up next to me and laid his head on my chest and didn't move a muscle until 9:00. Those of you that have spent any amount of time with Finn knows that this is very unusual because Finn is a wiggle worm. Every time I would attempt to change positions Finn would cry. He actually spent most of the rest of the day crying. He just feels awful. All we wants to do is lay on us.


Later on in the day Michael went to buy Finn a humidifier for his room. We are hoping that will at least help with the dryness in the air. He is asleep right now. I really wish that I didn't have to go to court tomorrow, but I can't get out of it.
We started the day with a late breakfast with Brandon, Carissa and Addison at the Cracker Barrel. Finn was good as gold. He sat in his high chair and ate crayons. I washed a good amount of blue chips out of his teeth. After finishing up the crayon Finn and I shared some cinnamon french toast. After I gave him the french toast I didn't hear another peep out of him. On our way out the door I took Finn over to the fireplace to let him feel the heat. All he could do was say "hot" every few seconds. He wouldn't even look in the direction of the fire.
After we got home Finn and I took a long nap. Then Finn and Michael went to eat leftovers at the Begley's while I prepared for court on Monday. Finn acted like he felt terrible the rest of the evening. At about 10:30 last night I went to wake Finn up to give him some Motion. When I went into his room I saw two quarter sized blobs of blood in his bed. I turned him over and saw that he had caked blood all over his nose and upper lip. It gave us quite a scare. We called the pediatrician and he told us that the nose bleed probably had to do with his cold and the fact that it is really dry. Still not completely satisfied we called MJ and Gina; waking up both (sorry guys). Gina confirmed what our pediatrician said. We ultimately decided not to take Finn to the hospital and instead just observed him the rest of the night for more blood. We also boiled a huge pot of water to add some moisture to the air. I felt so sorry for Finn. He was weak as water. We made him sit up for a while to breath the moisturized air. We tried to make it is as pleasant as possible for him. He laid on my chest and watched Phantom of the Opera until we put him back in bed around 1:00.
This morning he woke up at 6:30. He hadn't bled anymore so I felt much better. I brought him downstairs and we sat on the couch together. Finn cuddled up next to me and laid his head on my chest and didn't move a muscle until 9:00. Those of you that have spent any amount of time with Finn knows that this is very unusual because Finn is a wiggle worm. Every time I would attempt to change positions Finn would cry. He actually spent most of the rest of the day crying. He just feels awful. All we wants to do is lay on us.
Later on in the day Michael went to buy Finn a humidifier for his room. We are hoping that will at least help with the dryness in the air. He is asleep right now. I really wish that I didn't have to go to court tomorrow, but I can't get out of it.
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