Today is Thanksgiving; my favorite holiday of the year. Finn woke up at 6:30 and watched Mickey with Uncle Zac. Around 8:00 we all sat around at breakfast. Greg cooked sausage on the grill and Mom made monkey bread and biscuits. Finn and Coop both sat at the table for a few minutes. Then both boys danced to the “Hot Dog” song. Finn looks so funny when he danced. He would bend at the knees, pull his elbows up and sway back and forth. After breakfast we took the boys outside and the both immediately made a break for the front yard. Finn saw the semi’s parked across the street and it was all she wrote. Next we went inside and watched a few minutes of the parade; which was completely underwhelming for both Finn and Coop.

After lunch the boys played on the piano and then opened their Christmas ornaments from Nana and Papa. Finn received "baby's second Christmas" and I got a "playful kittens" and "humpty dumpty." Finn managed to unwrap his ornament all on his own. When he got all the paper off the fun was over. The best part of the day came when Finn and Coop started playing with the wrapping paper. They would both pick it up and sling it everywhere. It is the first time Finn and Coop have ever enjoyed playing together. Finn just sat and laughed so hard at Cooper.

Then the boys decided that they were going to play with my face. Then without warning Finn sat on my face and got a wet substance on my cheek and hair. I sticking my story that Finn sat in water. Em and Zac adamant disagree. It was pretty gross.
After lunch I started to feel lousy again and Finn started to feel warm. With that, we decided to head back home. On our way we made a quick stop to the Begley's to say goodbye to Mr. Begley. James came over later that night to watch the ball game.
The boys did manage to take a nap today. During their naps Em and I went to Walgreens while the big boys played horseshoes. Greg won.
Thanksgiving lunch was good – but the boys were kind of rowdy. Coop ran around and played with toys and Finn just swirled his spoon around in plate and stirred all his food up. Neither ate very much, but Finn did take one bite of mashed potatoes and made the worst face ever.
Then the boys decided that they were going to play with my face. Then without warning Finn sat on my face and got a wet substance on my cheek and hair. I sticking my story that Finn sat in water. Em and Zac adamant disagree. It was pretty gross.
After lunch I started to feel lousy again and Finn started to feel warm. With that, we decided to head back home. On our way we made a quick stop to the Begley's to say goodbye to Mr. Begley. James came over later that night to watch the ball game.
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