
Today Finn realized that his mother is over weight. Today was a home day for me so I decided to scrub the kitchen down. I was sitting in the floor cleaning the cabinets when I heard Finn thundering through the kitchen toward me. Then I felt Finn lift up my shirt from the back. He then squatted next to me. While still holding my shirt up with one hand, he took his other hand and starting pushing it into my "love handles." He laughed so hard. He obviously thought it was hilarious that his mom is squishy. This went on for a while. I had some mixed emotions about the whole thing. My first reaction was to laugh (I laughed so hard) my second reaction was to feel mortified.

Today really was a great day. I have put in a ton of hours this week. I haven't gotten home one night before 6:00 this week and then after Finn goes to bed I have worked until 11:00. It was a welcomed relief to spend some quality time with Finn. We ate breakfast together. Finn ate a bowl of oatmeal, some dry Cheerios and then he ate half of my eggs. Breakfast is Finn's favorite meal! I think that he gets most of his daily calorie needs in the morning. As such, he doesn't eat much the rest of the day.

Finn was a real trip today. He was very content to play by himself in the den while I cleaned the kitchen. However, every 10 minutes or so he would come running into the kitchen saying "mama" over and over and he would give me a big hug. After he had hugged me he would go back to playing in the den. It just made me melt. This happened several times. It was during one of his "hug trips" that he noticed my love handles.

For lunch Finn had a grilled cheese sandwich. I love making sandwiches for Finn because it really makes me feel like a mom!

Around 1:00 Finn started to act sleepy so I put Phantom of the Opera in and sat Finn in the floor. After about 20 minutes he waddled over the pantry and asked for a cracker. Once the cracker was in hand, Finn walked right back over the same spot, sat back down and ate his cracker.
Next Finn and I went to the DMV to renew my driver's license. I have dreaded this all day because it takes forever to do anything at the DMV. Much to my delight, we were in and out within 10 minutes. The only problem we had was during the picture. The place was packed so I wouldn't let go of Finn's hands. I held both of his hands while he struggled to get free. I'm sure it was a sight to see; me trying to keep my upper body straight, while smiling and make my face look normal all the while Finn yanking on both my hands with all of his might.
Next we went to Kohl's to buy Finn some warm jammies. Michael and I keep our house pretty cold so we wanted to make sure that Finn's jammies are as warm as possible.

Finn modeling some of his new jammies.
Later on in the evening Finn went to Toys-R-Us with Gran and Pa while Michael and I went to see Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows.


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