The Wizarding World of Harry Potter
Today we woke up at 6:30 to prepare for our big day at Universal Studios Islands of Adventure. The shuttle from the hotel left for the park at 8:00 meaning that we had to be downstairs and ready to go at 7:45. At 7:30 we realized that we had to book our spot on the shuttle the night before. Oops. For two people with jobs requiring close attention to detail we completely fall apart in our personal life. Fortunately we were able to purchase a ticket and catch the 8:00 shuttle anyway. The shuttle ride was interesting; we ended up sitting behind a young couple that could have left about 90% of their PDA in their hotel room and it still would have been too much for my taste.
When we got to the park we noticed our ticket required that we show I.D. Well, I didn't bring my purse with me. Oops. After reading and rereading the fine print, we lawyerly types figured out an interpretation that would allow me to get into the park without producing photo i.d. We geared up for the fight of our life, just to be let right in without a second thought.
When we finally got into the park (without incident), we, along with everyone else, went straight for the Hogsmeade.
This picture is of the main entrance to Hogsmeade. As you can see, it looks exactly like a real town. You can't see any of the other parts of the park from this view so it feels really authentic. Universal did a great job!
The castle is absolutely the neatest thing to see in person; more incredible that the Bate's house. I can't really describe it - it was just surreal.
One of the best parts of the whole ride was waiting in line. Reason being, you wait in the castle. Here we are waiting in Madame Sprout's Greenhouse area. They also play the movie soundtrack the entire time. You know how much I love soundtrack music. I feel silly saying it, but I had to fight the urge to cry.
This is the entrance to the inside of the castle. Once you reach this point the longest part of the wait is over.
This area was also part of the waiting line. The pictures really do talk to you as you walk by. Just like in the movie, the pictures go up several stories. I couldn't possibly capture all of them in one shot.
The Sorting Hat.
As you the ride begins Hermoine waves goodbye and gives a warning. I was too excited to hear exactly what she said. Had I heard clearly I may have been more prepared for the horrors that awaited.
I don't want to sound like a chicken, but the ride was really scary. In fact it was so scary I opted not ride it again. They took everything that is scary or creepy about the movie and literally shoved it in your face. You know how when you ride on a roller coaster (unless you are in the front seat) you always have someone in front of you? Well no one was in front of anyone on this ride. Everything was directly in front of your face.
The ride began calmly enough. Harry was on his broom flying around the castle motioning for us to follow; presumably on our own brooms. While climbing the wall of the castle, you see Hagrid in the tower waving goodbye and looking rather grim. The ride was interesting in its setup in that it was half moving motion picture screen and half "track" roller coaster. Oh, and the whole ride took place in the dark.
After leaving the grounds of Hogwarts everything went completely dark and the next thing you know a ten foot dragon head was roaring and blowing hot smoke right in our faces. It felt like he was a foot from us. It terrified me and I screamed my lungs out. Michael admitted that it scared him too. After leaving the dragon behind I felt a bit better until I remembered the "Basilisk." The last thing my system could handle is a 10 foot snake head within striking distance of my face. It was at that point that I decided I no longer wanted to be on this ride. I had to force myself to keep my eyes open. I just kept telling myself that I have waited two years to ride this ride, you must keep your eyes open!
We transitioned from one area to the next through the moving screen.
Next we entered the dark forest where we encountered Aragog. Not only is Aragog frightening, he spits. The Whomping Willow took a few swings at us too.
Next it was on to the Dementors and yes they attempt to kiss you, and yes it is as scary as it looks on the movie; more so actually, because they are right in your grill with their mouths wide open.
Finally, we entered the "Chamber of Secrets." Thankfully, so live snake head. Instead, there was an enormous Basilisk skeleton.
The ride was pretty much over after leaving the Chamber. Even though it was really scary, the ride was great. It flipped us face down and we rode on our backs at some points. I was shocked that we didn't run into Voldemort at any point.
After the exiting the castle we explored more of the area.
Mr. Weasley's car in the dark forest.
Next we went back to check out the shops. As I mentioned earlier Universal combined Hogsmeade and Diagon Alley. The left side of the street was Hogsmead and the right side was Diagon Alley.
We did wait in line to shop at Honeydukes. We only had to wait about 20 minutes. During that time Michael ordered us a butterbeer from The Three Broomsticks.
It was delicious! I don't really care for root bear or cream soda, but this wasn't bad at all. It is definitely kin to cream soda, but not nearly as strong. You can purchase either regular or frozen butterbeer. I preferred the frozen. We kept the commemorative cup as a souvenir.
The chocolate covered frogs. These puppies were ten dollars a piece! I did not buy one. I opted instead to just pose with one.
I did end up buying some "Berties Every Flavor Beans." I spit approximately half of them out. Some of them were so bad that I thought I might vomit. It was so much fun though.
Love it! I can't convince Rick to take me, since he is NOT a HP fan, but I would absolutely LOVE to go. I think I could definitely spend a LOT of money there! :P So glad you guys had a good time! Love you!
ReplyDeleteI'm so jealous! Glad you had a good time. I can't wait to go in December! :)
ReplyDeleteWow!!!! Im in awe. My favorite picture was Michael infront on Dumbledores study entrance. Hahahhah. I laughed out loud (in fact I think my exact words were, what a tool). His face was priceless.