The Lighting of the Christmas Tree

Today we put up the tree! Tree day is easily one of my favorite days of the year. Finn must have sensed how important this was to me because he was so good. We started putting the tree up around 10:00 a.m. We finished at 9:00 p.m. It took me forever to put it up because I stopped every few minutes to take pictures of Finn. I would also let him bring me the ornaments (still in the box) and that made things go really slow.

Before the fun started, Finn watched the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse show for the first time. He sat in the chair all by himself.

After the show was over I heard a big thud and then I heard Finn whimper. I came back into the den to see Finn sitting in the floor looking at his dump truck. What I think happened is that as Finn was crawling out of the chair he fell on his dump truck. He didn't appear hurt at all.

After Michael got up it was time to put up the tree. Michael brought the tree in while Finn took his morning nap. After Finn woke up I put in Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone while putting up the tree. Finn sat in his booster seat in the den, ate a grilled cheese sandwich and watched the first 25 minutes of Harry Potter. He really liked the scene were Harry talks to the snake at the zoo. No, he will never have a pet snake while he lives under my roof. He also really liked the music. Finn may look nothing like me, but he really likes my music. During the scene when the students were learning to fly, Finn would say "up."

Next Michael brought in the boxes of ornaments. Finn was so cute looking at the ornaments. He would take a box out of the big crate, examine in on all sides and then bring it to me. He recognized Mickey Mouse on one of the box and got really excited. Fair warning, I took a ton of pictures of him looking at the boxes.

Finn was really all that interested in the tree. I assumed that we would have a real problem with him wanting to touch the tree. Finn did walk over to the tree, point to the lights and say "hot." Finn is learning not to touch hot things so I hope never learns that the tree is, in fact, not hot. Next Finn found the cranberry garland.

This is a picture of Finn with this "apple." Every round, redish ornament was a apple. He would get the ornaments out of the box one at a time, say "apple" and put them in his mouth.
Later in the day Gran and Pa came by to give Finn an early Christmas present. Pa is going back to Oklahoma early tomorrow morning, so he came over to give Finn a train set. It is a beautiful train too! It is red and gold and called the Christmas Express. We set it up around the tree.
Finn loved watching it go around the tree. Kodiak is scared to death of it.

I think that Finn knew exactly who brought him the train set, because he wouldn't take his eyes off of Pa. It was really sweet.
After a few loops around the tree, Finn started reaching for the train. The train moves really quickly so he bricked the first few attempts.
He finally got the hang of it and grabbed the train right off the tracks.

After Gran and Pa left Finn and I took a nap until it was time to go to church. We let Finn walk through fellowship area tonight at church. When Finn saw the entrance to the nursery he turned around and ran the opposite direction.

When we got home Finn helped us put the ornaments on the tree. We turned Harry Potter back on while we decorated the tree. This will be a Christmas tradition no matter how hard Michael and Finn fight me.

He liked the ornaments, but he was way more interested in the boxes. He had the most fun putting the empty boxes back the plastic crate. He learned to say box tonight. He would also take the bubble wrap out of the ornament box and stick it in the tree.

I just could not have imagined a better day.


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