Stinky, Stinky, Stinky!

Beware - this is kind of a gross post.

This morning after Finn woke up the two of us went downstairs. I hate daylight savings time. It was still pitch dark at 6:30! It felt like it was 4:00 in the morning. Finn was in a reading mood this morning. He went to his pile of books, dug out "Brown Bear" and brought it over to me all the while screaming "bra breh." I love the way he talks. After we read "Brown Bear" for the sixth time, Finn decided it was time to eat. He went to the cabinet, grabbed a package of oatmeal and brought to me all the while saying "oatmeal." Finn always lets you know exactly what he wants.

Then it was time for a nap. While Finn napped, I worked. I actually ended up working the rest of the day. Finn was fairly compliant and allowed me to make several phone calls. After lunch we made a quick stop to see Mr. Oliver. He was surprisingly calm during the visit which is kind of odd. He is usually bouncing off the wall when he is up that the office.

When we got home I noticed that Finn had a dirty diaper. I changed it and took a call from a client. While on the phone with the client I noticed a very odd smell in my house. I was sure that a mouse had crawled into a cabinet somewhere and died. It was awful. I looked all over for the dead vermin and then noticed that the smell was starting to hop from place to place. I went back to what I thought was the epicenter of the disaster (the pantry) but no longer could smell the dead animal. About that time Finn started to fuss so I went over to pick him up. Bingo! The putrid smell was emanating from my sweet baby. I was terrified. I couldn't possibly imagine what could be wrong with Finn to make him smell so bad. While I was changing him I noticed that his stool was very watery. I hoped that this was a one time occurrence.

Finn didn't seem phased by the diaper experience so I sent him about his business and I took a call from DCS. Midway through the conversation Finn started to cry. I couldn't console him except to pick him up. When I picked him up I felt all this wet stuff run down my arm, into my elbow and onto my hip. Yep - lets just leave it at that. It was the worst conversation ever. I was trying to carry on a reasonably intelligent conversation while holding a sick and crying baby and trying my hardest not to gag. Not only did Finn smell like death warmed over, now I did too.

When I got off of the phone I immediately called Michael and asked him to pick up some pedialyte. After cleaning Finn up again I put on one of his movies and he crawled into my lap and went to sleep. The only good thing about Finn being sick is that he is so sweet to me.

When Michael got home we gave Finn some pedialyte. He guzzled it.

Then he laid down on Michael until dinner was ready. You can tell that this baby is sick because he never lays still.

He started to feel a little better after dinner and we assumed that the worst was over. After his bath Michael attempted to give him some white rice. The minute the spoon touched Finn's mouth he gagged several times and then threw up everywhere. It was so gross.
Even after all the pukage, Finn was in good spirits and wanted a banana. Finn does not eat bananas like a gentlemen. Instead he shoves as much of as he possible can in his mouth at the same time. Its quite comical.

Finally, these are a few pictures of Finn playing "hide-n-go seek." We can say "where's Finn" and he will go stand behind the refrigerator and poke his head out around the side. Then he will run at us. I think that he picked this up from JT. As great as my camera is, I couldn't get the shot I wanted. I will keep trying.


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