Our Civic Duty

Today Finn and I went to Long Hollow Baptist Church to vote. I never let an election pass me by as it is my civic duty to vote. Finn, as my son, also has a civic duty and that is to behave whilst his Mama is standing in a long line waiting to do her civic duty. Finn is a terrible citizen.

From the beginning we were doomed. First, voting took place in the nursery area of the church. Finn was sure that I was going to leave him for an indefinite amount of time in the worst place on earth. Second, the line was pretty long; we waited 25 minutes. Not bad for election day at 4:30, but pretty awful for a baby. Third, Finn called every male in the building "DaDa." He would point to every man he saw and yell "DaDa." I am sure that every person voting today believes that Finn does not have a strong male presence in his life or that his Mama is a tramp. I was mortified and the random men were very uncomfortable.

After voting Finn and Dad played with the Frisbee in the back yard while I grilled the chicken for our salads. After dinner and a bath, Finn played in his bedroom with his singing donkey. He has always been a bit apprehensive around the donkey. Tonight we turned it on and Michael and I sat as far away from Finn as we could to observe his behavior. He was fine at first, but something flipped in Finn's brain and midway through the song he started crying and ran over to us as fast as he could and clung to Michael for dear life.


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