Jail Bird

Friday Finn took a little field trip with his Mom to the jail to meet a client. There was a plate glass window in between us, but I was still a little leery about bringing Finn to the jail. I was sure that everyone would think that we were there to visit Finn's incarcerated father. Finn had a great time - he absolutely loved my client. He would stand at the plate glass and smile the biggest smile he could manage. In the end I am glad that I brought Finn, it made my client really happy. He has child about Finn's age that he hasn't been able to see in months. I don't think that he listened to a word I said because he was too busy watching Finn. Before we left he thanked me for bringing him.

Later on that night we met Brandon, Carissa and Addison at Shane's for some barbecue. Finn ate macaroni and cheese and basically ignored everything around him the whole time. He was perfect.

Finn ended up waking up at 4:00 Saturday morning. Personally, I think that he woke up cold and couldn't go back to sleep. At 4:30 I told Michael to put him in the bed with us. The minute Finn hit the sheets he snuggled right up next to be and immediately went to sleep. We did end up turning the heat on early Saturday morning.

Finn and I were up for good at around 6:30. By 7:00 we were at the grocery store. Later on in the day I went to Panera to do some research. While I was gone Gran and Pa came over to help Michael plant trees. After all the trees were planted the boys played with the Frisbee.

We also had a little sick scare from Finn today. After waking up from his nap, Finn was inconsolable. His body was so tense and he just cried his little eyes out. He seemed to feel better after taking some Tylenol and some gas medicine. I was a little worried though. I have never seen him cry that hard for that long. He also feel face first into the door frame and has a pretty little purple pump on his forehead.
We also had our first fire of the Fall season. Finn was a little scared of it. He was really excited at first, but quickly found out that the fire feels hot on his face. I could hardly get a picture (which is a good thing - we were a little worried about Finn with the fire). When he would feel the fire on his face he would turn his head and far to the side as possible and say "hot."

Finn reading "Brown Bear" for the gazillionth time.
Finn checking on the fire.

Next we all had dinner. I made homemade chicken noodle soup. I was sure Finn would love it. I put an egg noodle on his tray expecting a pleasant response. Instead, Finn started legitimately gagging. He was so funny - he would pick up a noodle, take one look at it and gag. Needless to say we didn't force him to eat.

At 7:00 we noticed that Finn was trying to tell us that he was ready for bed. He laid on his stomach on the rug and would look over at us and smile. I picked him up and we went to the glider. Finn was asleep in about 5 minutes. Sick babies are so sweet.


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