Island of Adventure - the other side
I have already blogged about Harry Potter, but there were other really great rides at Islands of Adventure.

Even though it looks like a bunch of water we really didn't get that wet. At point a dinosaur spit at us and a little boy in front of us said, "it shot me in the ear." To which a little girl behind us (not at all related to little boy) said, "that's what she said." Michael and I thought that was so funny.

And Doctor Doom. This ride is a free fall. The best part of this ride was the wait, only five (5) minutes.

Then we toured Poseidon's tomb. It was interesting, but weird. I really enjoyed it because it was like a play. We did wait in line about 30 minutes for this though.

Our last stop was to Suess Landing where we purchased Finn a "Cat in the Hat." He watches "cat" almost every morning.

The park closed at 6:00, but our shuttle came to pick us up at 5:00. We were exhausted by the end of the day, but we had a lot of fun.
When we got back to the room I made dinner and then we rocked out to the movie "Hairspray."
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