Stomach Bug
This morning Finn reacquainted himself with the tree. He really liked looking at the Mickey Mouse ornaments.
The day was pretty eventful up until around 11:30 when Finn threw up all over our carpet. We cleaned him up and put him back in bed. About 30 minutes later we heard him throw up again, instead this time it was in his bed. We changed him again, changed his bed and put him in bed with us. It always makes me a bit nervous when he gets sick so I decided that he would finish out the night in our bed. Well, that and the fact that Finn would not let go of me. He has never hugged me so tightly in his life. I think that throwing up really scared him. At first sleeping wit Finn was a lot of fun because he was so sweet – he fell asleep with both arms around my neck. It was really wonderful until he started kicking me in the stomach. This prompted me to put him back in his own bed. We ended up drifting off to sleep around 1:30.
The next morning Finn seemed to feel better so we took him to Victoria’s and I went on to work. I have had to work a lot lately so I haven’t spent a whole lot of time with Finn. Thankfully, Michael was played Mr. Mom.
Tuesday I ended up getting really sick. In fact, I threw up all over the bushes out at my old office. I would give my right arm to see a video of me throwing up in the bushes at the old Historic Civil War Mansion. I felt like Dwight Schrute in “The Injury” episode. When I got home that evening I went straight to bed. I woke up three separate times to throw up. It is the sickest I have been in a while. I did manage to wake up and rock Finn to sleep.
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