Today (Monday) after getting out of court I went to Manchester to pick up the Finnster. I couldn't wait to see him, after being away for almost a week. I crept into Mom's house very quietly hoping to surprise Finn. When he finally looked over and saw me he smiled, but did not get overly excited. He he hurry over to me and give me a big hug. If you hold your arms out and say "big hug" Finn will run over to you and hug you. We play this game at home a lot.
Anyway, I guess I would characterized Finn's response as relieved. I think that he was just happy that I hadn't left him for good.
We had a good time at Nana's. Nana fixed us some chili, Finn played with the Sesame Street toy and imitated the "cookie monster" and then we went to the bank to close out one of my old accounts.
Mom told me that Finn didn't nap very well while with her so I wasn't at all surprised that he slept the entire way home.
Finn was very excited to see Michael - much more so that he was to see me. Poo!

After dinner we gave Finn his "cat." He didn't want anything to do with. It was only after I started singing the theme song that he would even touch it.

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