
Showing posts from December, 2010

Branching out

Today while at the store I stumbled upon Almond Milk and let me tell you it is go-od. It is the best stuff I have drank in a while and only 10 more calories than in a cup of skim milk. So I put a little bit in Finn's sippy cup and he loved it too. Finn has also found a new food of choice - popcorn. Okay, before everyone gasps with horror please know that I do not allow him to eat popcorn unless he is sitting down right next to me. I also only give him the very large fluffy pieces. As a popcorn enthusiast myself I have a keen eye for which kernels have half popped seeds inside. Finn guzzling his almond milk I mostly took these picture to showcare Finn's new Elmo outfit from MiMi. I love this outfit and I think that Finn looks just as cute as a button in it. Thank you MiMi! Check out that silly face. Note the lack of eyebrows; poor Finn got his mom's eyebrows. Finn made lots of silly faces tonight. He was in a great mood when he got home from J.T.'s hou...

Where in the World is the Finnster

Today we went here, there and everywhere! And, just so you know we had a great time doing it!! This morning we woke up at Nana and Papa's house. The three of us (me, Michael and Finn) slept on the Murphey Bed. Finn woke up every 30 minutes to whimper at me. This lasted almost all night. Today was Sunday so we all went to church with Nana and Papa. It was while at church that Finn gave me his Christmas present - a whole hour of snuggling up in my lap and being quiet. He listened to the special music, clapped for all the performers, watched intently to the "Home Alone" clip and fell asleep during the sermon. He was so sweet and precious. Next we went to Sparta for our Christmas with Granny and Papa. Finn hung pretty close to me but he did loosen up a bit, especially when he saw Rex's new "big truck." I was busy doing something else and happened to look up as Finn was running off with Rex's truck from Granny and Papa. Finn seemed to really like Re...

Christmas with Nana and Papa

After having Christmas with our little family we packed up and went to Manchester to have Christmas with Nana, Papa, Aunt Em, Uncle Zac and Coop. We packed Thomas to Finn to play with at Nana and Papas. The first thing that we did was let the boys open their presents while they were both still in good moods. Finn got some really cute sweaters, a remote control Jeep, blocks, books and movies (I am so excited for him to watch Fantasia) jammies, coins from Ruby Jo, and new shoes. He also got a few little cars, one of which he ate the wheels off of on the way to Granny and Papas the next day. The boys opened their presents just in the nick of time because shortly thereafter Finn got really restless. We tried to get him to take a nap but he had a really difficult time sleeping. He ended up sleeping for about 30 minutes and then coming back downstairs. He managed to make it through the rest of presents but just barely. Next we had Christmas dinner - Zaxbys! It was so goo...

White Christmas

Today is Finn's second Christmas morning and what a wonderful one it was - complete with snow!!!. Finn woke his exhausted parents up at 6:45 (we didn't end up going to sleep until 1:45 a.m. so you can imagine we were pretty tired). We decided to let Finn eat a little breakfast before showing him everything that Santa brought him. I tried my best to cover his eyes while walking him to the kitchen, but he spotted his "Thomas" right as we turned the corner in to the kitchen. When he saw Thomas those sleepy little eyes popped wide open and he said "Thomas" in the sweetest voice. I sat him down in his high chair and he tried his best to peer around the corner to see Thomas. Finn's appetite has been nonexistent the last few days so he was finished with his breakfast pretty quick. After cleaning him up we took Finn into the den to see his new presents. First he saw his new toy box. I think that he liked it. He went straight to it and start...