Stackin Wood

Finn has spent countless hours playing in or at least trying to play in the porcelain bowl in the bathroom. Finn now knows that bowl is called the "poddy." If you ask Finn to show you the poddy he will run into the bathroom whilst screaming poddy over and over again. I am hoping that indicates that Finn will be easy to potty train.

Tonight Finn helped his Dad and Pa stack wood. After bundling him up, he ran around in the yard. I would run away from him and then he would run towards me as fast has his legs could carry him yelling "un."

Then he got caught in the rain gutter thing and fell over.

Finally he chewed on some branches that we saved to use as kindling.

After dinner Finn played in the bathtub for a few minutes.

This is picture of Finn playing his new bathtub game. We call it empty. Basically, we fill up an old shampoo bottle with water and let Finn empty it. This could entertain Finn for hours. After his bath Finn and packed his suitcase and played in his room. Instead of rocking Finn to sleep downstairs tonight I sat upstairs in the TV room and let him get sleepy while playing. When Finn got sleepy he crawled up in my lap and laid his head over on my shoulder. A few minutes later Michael's phone rang which prompted Finn to pop up and start yelling for "Dad." Finn was very happy when Michael came upstairs and sat down next to me. Finn played for a few more minutes until we turned on his symphony music. Again he crawled into my lap and laid his head down. It was a very sweet family moment.

Today was also Finn's 15 month well baby check up. It is safe to say that Finn is no longer the biggest baby on the block. He weights 27.5 pounds putting him all the way down in the 84th percentile. He is 31.3 inches tall (64 percentile) and his head circumference is 19.25 (91 percentile).


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