Today Finn and I went to Toy R Us to buy his big Christmas present - a toy box. Originally I was going to buy a fancy one, but after looking at the fancy ones online I opted for a more fun one. It was struggle to pick only one. There was a really cute "Thomas the Train" toy box and a nice white toy box with a shelf. Even though Finn love "Thomas" I opted for the while toy box with the red lid and the shelf. It certainly does not match the decor in the rest of the house but I think Finn will really like it. He got pretty excited when he saw it in the store. He ran right over to it, threw is body on it and tried to open the lid.
Toys R Us was a lot of fun for the Finnster. They had an enormous "Thomas" bed hanging from the ceiling that occupied Finn for a long time. He talked to all the Elmos in the store and he yelled at every big truck he saw.
Next we met Dad and watched him get his hair cut. Then we all went grocery shopping. It is so much fun to go grocery shopping as a family! Michael and Finn made a meal of the sample provided by Kroger.
The best part of the day came around 4:00 when we found out the wonderful news that my "soon to be here" nephew Hank is healthy as a horse and huge to boot. We are so thankful and love him so much.
Later on in the night we all went to church for the Sunday School worker's party. First we had our picture taken as a family. Finn tried to crash John and Victoria's picture because he wanted to get to JT. Then Finn and JT went to the nursery. They were so cute walking to the nursery together. Finn would not let me carry him when JT was around. They half ran/half walked side by side to the nursery. It was so precious.
One of my dearest friends and JT's mom (which is very important for Finn because he loves JT so much) Victoria. We are so blessed to have John and Victoria as our friends.

On the way home Finn tried out Cooper's birthday present. Sorry MJ for ruining the surprise. I also want to apologize for getting Cooper such an obnoxious gift. But on a good note, that little xylophone occupied Finn for a long time.
Right before bed Finn showed dad "Donald Duck" on the Christmas tree over and over and over again.
Toys R Us was a lot of fun for the Finnster. They had an enormous "Thomas" bed hanging from the ceiling that occupied Finn for a long time. He talked to all the Elmos in the store and he yelled at every big truck he saw.
Next we met Dad and watched him get his hair cut. Then we all went grocery shopping. It is so much fun to go grocery shopping as a family! Michael and Finn made a meal of the sample provided by Kroger.
The best part of the day came around 4:00 when we found out the wonderful news that my "soon to be here" nephew Hank is healthy as a horse and huge to boot. We are so thankful and love him so much.
Later on in the night we all went to church for the Sunday School worker's party. First we had our picture taken as a family. Finn tried to crash John and Victoria's picture because he wanted to get to JT. Then Finn and JT went to the nursery. They were so cute walking to the nursery together. Finn would not let me carry him when JT was around. They half ran/half walked side by side to the nursery. It was so precious.
Oh...Im actually really excited that is Cooper's. My eyes lit up when I saw Finn playing with it and then I read that we get it!! I love those things.