The winter chill is upon us and it is freezing in our house. Finn's room however is nice and warm thanks to the space heater that Gran and Pa brought over. They also brought over macadamia nut cookies and Finn went nuts over them.

Since it is so cold outside we have started bundling Finn up before going to see J.T. in the morning. Thus the pictures of Finn in his coat.

Finn has learned a new word - peanut butter. It's not perfect, but it is definitely pretty close. He has to concentrate really hard to say it. When I get the jar out of the cabinet Finn points and says peanut butter.

This morning Finn sat upstairs in the T.V. room while Michael and I got ready for work. At one point we walked into the room to see what Finn was up to and this is what we saw.

Finn climbed up on to the couch to watch "The Cat in the Hat." He didn't move the cushions by the way. We mess them up so that the cats won't sit on them. Finn just took full advantage of the situation.

Finn also surprised us at dinner by eating two (2) bowls of field peas and loving them!

I realized tonight that I haven't taken a picture of Finn sleeping in months. Even with the super bright flash on my camera, he didn't stir a bit.


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