After his bath last night Finn got a very special, "special." By the way, that is a "Thomas" reference. Since Finn ate all of his chicken tortilla soup at dinner (rotel pieces and all) I made him some fat free, sugar free chocolate pudding. As I suspected, Finn loves pudding. It only took him two bites for him to start saying the word "pudding." I imagine that Finn is capable of saying almost any word in the English language, but chooses to say only words that are important to him or benefit him. Notice, he never says peas and carrots.

Finn loved the pudding so much that he wouldn't even let me hold the spoon. So I guess tonight is Finn's first official time to feed himself. It took him 30 minutes but he ate almost the entire bowl of pudding. He did a pretty good job. He didn't even get all that messy either. Looking back I probably should have given him a smaller spoon.
This morning for breakfast Finn had oatmeal. However after his oatmeal was gone, he still acted hungry so I gave him Lucky Charms. Usually I give him Cheerios but we were all out. Unsurprisingly Finn ate all the marshmallows out first. Then he went on to eat the rest of the cereal while watching the "Sing Off." Finn likes the Sing Off because there is lots of music and applause. When the audience claps Finn claps too.
After about 30 minutes Finn was ready to get out of his chair. He looked over at me and said "up." When he saw that I was going to let him up he grabbed the remainder of his cereal and shoved it in his mouth like a chipmunk.

Finn loved the pudding so much that he wouldn't even let me hold the spoon. So I guess tonight is Finn's first official time to feed himself. It took him 30 minutes but he ate almost the entire bowl of pudding. He did a pretty good job. He didn't even get all that messy either. Looking back I probably should have given him a smaller spoon.
After about 30 minutes Finn was ready to get out of his chair. He looked over at me and said "up." When he saw that I was going to let him up he grabbed the remainder of his cereal and shoved it in his mouth like a chipmunk.
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