Christmas with Nana and Papa

After having Christmas with our little family we packed up and went to Manchester to have Christmas with Nana, Papa, Aunt Em, Uncle Zac and Coop. We packed Thomas to Finn to play with at Nana and Papas.

The first thing that we did was let the boys open their presents while they were both still in good moods. Finn got some really cute sweaters, a remote control Jeep, blocks, books and movies (I am so excited for him to watch Fantasia) jammies, coins from Ruby Jo, and new shoes. He also got a few little cars, one of which he ate the wheels off of on the way to Granny and Papas the next day.

The boys opened their presents just in the nick of time because shortly thereafter Finn got really restless. We tried to get him to take a nap but he had a really difficult time sleeping. He ended up sleeping for about 30 minutes and then coming back downstairs. He managed to make it through the rest of presents but just barely.

Next we had Christmas dinner - Zaxbys! It was so good! In addition to Zaxby's we had chips and fruit and sandwiches and "kake lady" cake.

After dinner we took our traditional family pictures - the ones with all the wrapping paper. Then we settled in for relaxing evening. Coop showed Finn how to do a "Cooper bomb" and Finn laughed his head off. Finn sat with me the rest of the night and fell asleep in my lap. He was not in the mood to hang out with anyone but I'm not complaining because it was great to sit and hold him. After the boys went to sleep we all sat in the den and watched the Christmas episode of "The Office."


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