Yelling "fire" in a crowded theater violates the law of the land; yelling "hot" into the baby monitor violates the law of the Begley house.

Last night was an awful night. The first part was pretty entertaining, but the sleeping part was pure torture. As always, I put Finn to bed at approximately 8:00. At 10:30 he woke up and started crying for "mama." I let him crying it out for about 30 minutes. Then Finn got crafty. He started yelling "hot" into the baby monitor over and over. I contemplated not going in to check on him, but ultimately decided that I would feel really horrible if there really was a fire in Finn's room and I purposefully ignored Finn cries of warning. Of course there wasn't, but Finn got exactly what he wanted - an audience. I'm sure it was pure coincidence, but if in fact it wasn't, Finn is one manipulative kid. I left him in his crib to think about his misdeed and went on to bed myself. Around 1:00 Finn was up again, but only for about 30 minutes. At 2:00 he was up again - this time to stay. At 3:00 I went in his room to get him. I put him in bed with me where he coughed for an hour. Everytime he would cough it would wake him up. At 4:00 he was up again. We went downstairs, took some medicine and drank a cup of pedialyte. When we went back to bed Finn refused to lay down - he wanted to sit indian style next to me. After a few minutes I felt his head hit my stomach. Finn fell asleep sitting up and plopped over on me. That is the last thing I remember before my alarm went off at 6:30. When I woke up the next morning I saw that we were both still in the same position.

As for the rest of the evening . . .

Michael was out of town last night so it was just me and the Finnster. Finn didn't really want to eat anything last night, instead he only wanted milk. Finn has learned to specifically ask for milk. Use to he would say "dink" and we would give him whatever was in his sippy cup. Now, he has learned that unless he wants water he needs to give us specific instructions. So, all last night Finn would walk up to me and say "Mok." Translation - milk.

After dinner Finn found the box that his humidifier came in and started playing with it. At first he just wanted to look at the baby on the box. Finn has become facsinated with babies, when he sees a picture of a baby he will point and say "baby." Finn's complete lack of self awareness tickles me; its like he doesn't realize that he is a baby too. Next he discovered that he could push the box around like he does with this big truck. He had that box moving pretty fast until he attempted to cross over the threshold from the kitchen to the den. There is a little, tiny lip sticking up in the hardwood as you enter the den. Finn learned this the hardway. He pushed that box as hard as he could toward the den and hit the lip. The box came to a jolting stop and Finn went flying over it onto the otherside. He fussed a little, but wasn't hurt at all. It really funny.


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