Today while at the store I stumbled upon Almond Milk and let me tell you it is go-od. It is the best stuff I have drank in a while and only 10 more calories than in a cup of skim milk. So I put a little bit in Finn's sippy cup and he loved it too. Finn has also found a new food of choice - popcorn. Okay, before everyone gasps with horror please know that I do not allow him to eat popcorn unless he is sitting down right next to me. I also only give him the very large fluffy pieces. As a popcorn enthusiast myself I have a keen eye for which kernels have half popped seeds inside.

Finn guzzling his almond milk

I mostly took these picture to showcare Finn's new Elmo outfit from MiMi. I love this outfit and I think that Finn looks just as cute as a button in it. Thank you MiMi!

Check out that silly face. Note the lack of eyebrows; poor Finn got his mom's eyebrows. Finn made lots of silly faces tonight. He was in a great mood when he got home from J.T.'s house and just cheesed it up all night. I have given him a new nickname, "Big Cheese." As I was taking his picture he would get this huge smile on his face and run full speed at the camera. It is very difficult to take a picture of child running at you. Finn was very interested in the camera tonight. All he wanted to do was look at the screen on the back of the camera and point to the baby wearing the "Elmo" shirt holding a drink.

The back of the shirt is just as cute as the front

After dinner Finn and I played with his new "Thomas" ride on train. He would get a good running start and ram Thomas into me. I would fall over and pretend to be dead. As soon as I fell over Finn would get really panicky and run over to check on me. About the time that he got close to my face I would pop up and grab him. As you can imagine this was really fun for Finn and we did this same routine several more time.
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