Where in the World is the Finnster

Today we went here, there and everywhere! And, just so you know we had a great time doing it!! This morning we woke up at Nana and Papa's house. The three of us (me, Michael and Finn) slept on the Murphey Bed. Finn woke up every 30 minutes to whimper at me. This lasted almost all night.

Today was Sunday so we all went to church with Nana and Papa. It was while at church that Finn gave me his Christmas present - a whole hour of snuggling up in my lap and being quiet. He listened to the special music, clapped for all the performers, watched intently to the "Home Alone" clip and fell asleep during the sermon. He was so sweet and precious.

Next we went to Sparta for our Christmas with Granny and Papa. Finn hung pretty close to me but he did loosen up a bit, especially when he saw Rex's new "big truck." I was busy doing something else and happened to look up as Finn was running off with Rex's truck from Granny and Papa. Finn seemed to really like Rex's toys. We had a bit of a scare though because we thought that Finn broke Rex's Mario Car toy by chewing on it. Thank goodness he didn't. Finn also played with his cousin Sadie Bell's Mickey ball and school bus at the kitchen table.

Cousins shot

Belly bump cousins shot

Then we took our big family picture. Pretty good lookin' bunch wouldn't you say?

After pictures we opened presents. Finn got a Mickey ornament from Aunt Laura, an indoor, football tent from Aunt Melissa, a book (neatest book ever) and money from Aunt Tracey and money and toy car from Granny Martha and Papa Bruce.

Finn checking out his new tent.

Checking out Coop's tent too.

The "big truck" that Finn swiped from Rex. We are sorry Rex.

All of the presents were wonderful and greatly appreciated. One of my most exciting gifts came from Anna - a sour dough starter!!! I am so excited to make bread!

Thanks to everyone for sending me pictures. It is seldom that I am actually in a picture with Finn.

Finn's third cousins Rex and Sadie. Just braggin' on my beautiful family.

Around 2:30 we left to go to Clarksville. It was a 2 1/2 hour trip, but it flew by. Finn slept for the first half of the trip. At the Old Hickory exit we stopped to meet Gran and Pa. When we got to Mimi's house we had dinner and Finn got to hang with his family on the Edward's side. Again, he hung pretty close to me but warmed up after opening his "big truck" from Aunt Donna and Uncle Charlie.

Finn had a great Christmas at Mimi's. In addition to the "big truck" Mimi gave Finn a garbage truck. It is so neat - it actually picks up the trash container, throws it in the truck and compacts it. We attempted to test it out with a block, but Finn panicked and tried to save the block from the compactor. He was oddly protective of the block. Aunt Tina gave Finn two really cute hoodie/blue jean outfits and a puppet wash cloth.

After opening presents Finn was exhausted and crawled up in my lap and let me hold him. He was so sweet.


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