Becoming Irrelevant
This morning Finn fed himself breakfast. I made his oatmeal and attempted to feed it to him. He was fussed at me, grabbed the spoon from my hands and proceeded to eat the entire with the spoon. I noticed that he held the spoon with his right hand. I was so hoping that Finn would be a southpaw (for obvious reasons) but it doesn't look like it. I even tried putting the spoon in his left hand, but without missing a beat he transferred the spoon back to his right hand and continued on.
The night before (Saturday) Finn, Michael and I went to church. We always go to church on Sunday nights, but rarely know before hand what is going on. When we got there we realized that it was Long Hollow Baptists' Christmas Special. It was great! They had at least a twenty piece orchestra. Since it was mostly music we decided to let Finn sit in an listen. He was so sooo good. He sat in my lap and we swayed to the music. At one point we were singing Christmas songs with the orchestra and choir and then they turned on light effects which made it look like it was snowing in the worship center. I of course got completely swept up in the moment and started to cry. It was just so beautiful.
After about 50 minutes worth of music Brother David walked on stage and started to preach. We were not expecting that; Finn wasn't either and started to get loud. I tried to take him to the nursery but it was completely full. So we three sat in the lobby and watched the message with about 15 other parents. Finn ran around like a chicken with his head cut off.
We were supposed to have a Sunday School Teacher's Christmas Party tonight but it was canceled because of snow. It has been snowing all day. Most of the Middle Tennessee County Schools are already called off for tomorrow. I guess it is a good thing that the party was canceled because Finn wouldn't have done very well. He ended up falling asleep around 5:30. I woke him at 6:00 and he fussed until we put him back to sleep at 7:30. I now know why they say never wake a sleeping baby. I find it pretty ironic that Finn fusses when he is forced to wake up. Now he knows how we feel every single day.

The night before (Saturday) Finn, Michael and I went to church. We always go to church on Sunday nights, but rarely know before hand what is going on. When we got there we realized that it was Long Hollow Baptists' Christmas Special. It was great! They had at least a twenty piece orchestra. Since it was mostly music we decided to let Finn sit in an listen. He was so sooo good. He sat in my lap and we swayed to the music. At one point we were singing Christmas songs with the orchestra and choir and then they turned on light effects which made it look like it was snowing in the worship center. I of course got completely swept up in the moment and started to cry. It was just so beautiful.
After about 50 minutes worth of music Brother David walked on stage and started to preach. We were not expecting that; Finn wasn't either and started to get loud. I tried to take him to the nursery but it was completely full. So we three sat in the lobby and watched the message with about 15 other parents. Finn ran around like a chicken with his head cut off.
We were supposed to have a Sunday School Teacher's Christmas Party tonight but it was canceled because of snow. It has been snowing all day. Most of the Middle Tennessee County Schools are already called off for tomorrow. I guess it is a good thing that the party was canceled because Finn wouldn't have done very well. He ended up falling asleep around 5:30. I woke him at 6:00 and he fussed until we put him back to sleep at 7:30. I now know why they say never wake a sleeping baby. I find it pretty ironic that Finn fusses when he is forced to wake up. Now he knows how we feel every single day.
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