Christmas Eve/Christmas with Gran and Pa

Today is Christmas Eve - my favorite actual day of the Christmas holidays. The anticipation has always been the fun part for me. This morning Finn and I got up and ate breakfast just like any normal morning. After breakfast Finn decided that he was still hungry but instead of putting him back in his booster seat I let him sit in the den on his frog blanket and eat "Lucky Charms." That little act earned me a lot of extra brownie points.

After "second breakfast" Finn started wrestling with Kodiak. At one point both Finn and Kodiak were rolling around on the floor. I thought Finn had won when all of a sudden Kodiak jerked his head back and bit Finn right on the cheek. Finn looked heart broken. He buried his head in the carpet and cried a little bit. There was no blood or broken skin, only a bruised ego. Shortly thereafter Finn took a short nap while Michael and ate breakfast and "got our Lost on."

During Finn's nap I started thinking about Christmas Eve Traditions. What would we do as our family's Christmas Eve tradition. I remember when I was growing up we went to Mr. Gattis'. Michael thought that was odd; since I love to eat I thought it was great. I know that we have another year before Finn stars figuring out traditions, but I really want to come up with something that is simple, but really fun and memorable.

After Finn's nap he and Michael went to Fed Ex and to get Zaxby's for lunch. When they got home from their quick trip to town I saw that Finn had gotten a scope of vanilla ice cream from Baskin Robbins.
He ate his ice cream and a grilled cheese while Michael and I ate our chicken. Then we all took power naps in preparation for our Christmas with Gran and Pa.

Around 6:30 we went to Gran and Pa's house for Christmas dinner. It was wonderful! There was so much food. Finn ate a roll and some macaroni and cheese.
Then we took family photos.

...and opened presents.
Finn got a "John Deere" truck that shakes. He, of course, loved it.
He also got a new lawn mower.

He also got several "cat" trucks and some really cute clothes. My favorite was the red train Christmas Ornament. I don't know if I have ever seen a prettier Christmas Ornament. Uncle James and Chelsea got Finn a nightlight turtle that when you turn it on makes the ceiling of your room look like the night sky (like that Harry Potter reference?). It is so peaceful.

Finn reading his new Elmo books with Gran.

The highlight of the night was by far the new motorized riding lawnmower. This thing has a button on the steering wheel that when you push it the whole thing takes off. It is so neat. Finn got the hang of it pretty quick but would only push the button for about a second at a time. Once the mower would actually start moving he would take his thumb off of the button. At one point Tommy/Pa was helping Finn ride the mower and he when his foot his the carpet it flew out from underneath him and he busted. It was hysterical and thankfully no one was hurt.

Then it was time for cake. While I was eating cake Finn started playing around the fire place. He actually ended up backing into the fireplace grate and it fell over on top of hit. It was pretty heavy so it knocked him over. He wasn't hurt, but he was scared to death. While we were consoling Finn Molly ate both mine and Finn's cake. Before the night was over we all went up to James' room and talked to David and Sharon over Skype.

We didn't get home until almost 11:00 so Finn went directly to bed when we got home. Afterwards Michael and put Finn's Christmas presents out. Michael put together toy box while I finished up the last bit of the wrapping. I am so excited for Finn to see his new "Thomas Toy."


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