Christmas with Grandad and GiGi

On Tuesday Grandad picked Finn up from Victoria's house to take back to Tullahoma for a visit. I have been told that when Finn saw his Grandad he started throwing all of his food off of his booster seat and said "up."

While visiting with Grandad and GiGi Finn went to his first basketball game. While Finn was at the game I was in Wal-Mart shopping for Christmas goodies. It was about that time that I got a call from Dad/Grandad. I called back and asked Dad what he wanted. As it turns out Finn had gotten a hold of Dad's cell phone and called me. I know it was completely coincidental, but I thought it was sweet nonetheless.

After work Michael and I went to Tullahoma to spend time with Dad, Gigi and Lauren for Christmas. When we got there Finn showed us his new snow globe. He loves this snow globe! It plays music and has a train that moves around inside. I couldn't help but post a ton of these because they are all so good.

The next part of the evening was pretty odd. We put Finn in the bathtub and he screamed his lungs out; he would physically shake with fear when the water would touch his body. I felt awful. I noticed that this happened the last time we were at Mom's house and then Deniece told us that Finn behaved the same way at her house. Finn loves the bath at home so I don't really know what has made him so afraid of other bathtubs. The only thing that I can think of is that Finn had a really bad experience in a tub that was not his own and now hates all other bathtubs.

After our bath fiasco, we attempted to put Finn to bed. He had no interest in falling to sleep. After 30 minutes of sitting quietly with Finn, we went to rock in the recliner. I rocked Finn while we listened to Christmas music for a very, very long time. He drifted off and woke himself back up several times. Every time I laid him in the pack-n-play he would freak out. Gigi ended up laying down with him in the floor until he went to sleep. Finn slept in the floor all night long.

The next morning we had Christmas at Grandad and Gigi's house. Em, Zac and Coop arrived around 10:00. We had a really great day. We ate snacks, and played with the boys and played "Office" trivia where Em smoked us all.

Around 1:00 we opened presents. Finn got a ton of really cute clothes. He also got an Elmo ornament, a Santa music box, a barn yard animal puzzle that makes animal sounds, a Thomas the Train bath toy (which was a huge hit) and a talking Elmo book. The neat thing about the book was that Grandad recorded his voice reading to Finn. On our way home I opened it up and Finn got the weirdest look on his face. I think he was really confused.

After opening presents Papa Bumbalough, Judy, Gene and Minnie came to eat Christmas dinner. Finn, didn't eat much, but decided instead to play with his roll. After lunch we started packing up for the long journey home. Finn slept almost the entire way home. He was sound asleep before he hit the bridge.


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