Today is the first day of the NCAA Tournament, meaning that Daddy is home for two (2) straight days! In order to let Michael enjoy some basketball games, Finn and I went to the Davidson County courthouse to get a summons issued. I was a little worried about how Finn might behave as it is a long walk from the parking garage to the courthouse. Much to my delight, he was a perfect angel. He was friendly to eveyone on the elevator, he was nice to the officers at the metal detector and he was very polite to the clerk. He even let me hold him the entire time which is unusual. The clerk's office only took about five (5) minutes but after just a few seconds, Finn started hamming it up. He would lay his head on my should, saying "mama" in his sweet voice, and pull my face towards his for a kiss. He did this several times. It was so sweet, but after a few times (with on end in sight) I had to put a stop to it.
Once we were done I let Finn run around in the huge courtyard in front of the courthouse. All was going well until discovered that Finn was collecting used cigarette butts.
When we got home Finn went outside to play with Dad. It was at this time that Finn discovered the hose pipe.

The water was absolutely freezing! Every time it would touch him he would gasp just a little. Nevertheless he ended up soaking himself. He even managed to spray us a few times. Before putting the hose pipe away Finn decided to have a drink. I would spray the nozzle for just a few seconds and then he would grab it and shove it in his mouth. To each his own.
Finn also made great strides towards potty training. Without prompting, he got a diaper, grabbed his wipes, laid on the floor and said "diaper change."

By the way, Finn is 18 months today!
All I can say is WOW! What an 18 month old!