Today Gran and Pa invited us all to go to the Nashville Zoo. We had a really great day! Here is an overview.

This is our attempt at a family photo. Believe it or not, this was the best one.

Our first stop was the carousel. Finn enjoyed riding the giraffe. However, the giraffe didn't move up and down so I shifted him to one that did. He did not like that so we went back to the giraffe.

Finn checking out the elephants.

His favorite by far was the giraffe.

Hanging in the meercat cave.

In the aquarium area.

Finn liked the turtles and fish, but got really nervous when the turtles swam towards him.

We were really lucky to see the tigars. Apparently they don't come out everyday.

Finn checking out the tigers.

This is a picture of Finn "roaring."

Snack break.

This is a picture of Finn looking at the lynx.

Finn loved running around the zoo. Most of the day we spent trying to get Finn to hold our hand. He would do it every so often; then he would get excited and run off.

Near the end of the day it started to rain so we headed for the car. Finn was exhausted and fell sound asleep in the car. I was sitting next to him. He had grabbed my hand and laid his head over on me.

Then we stopped at the store to get meat for dinner. This was Finn first time to ride in the car-buggy. He LOVED it. I can't wait to go back. He pretended to drive the whole time; turning the wheel and honking the horn.

When we got home I rocked Finn to sleep. He was so sweet. He laid down in my arms and at first would touch my nose, eyes, ears, and mouth while saying "mama's nose." Then he puts his hands on my cheeks and rubbed my face and said "mama" in the sweetest voice. It just broke my heart.
Before putting Finn to bed he said "night-night" to the TV. Every night as we are carrying Finn up to bed, he turns around and says, "night night Tee Vee." Pretty funny.
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