Copy Cat

This morning Finn woke up to see Grandad and Gigi. Gigi got back from Denmark late last night and instead of going all the way home just to get up then next morning to come back to Nashville to help Em and Zac move, they decided to stay with us. After getting up Finn hopped in the car with Grandad and Gigi and headed to Em and Zac's.

Today was a fun day for Finn. He got to play in Cooper's new playroom, crawl up and down the stairs, ride in the wagon, hang out in the uhaul, smush cheese into Em's new floors, and drive his mother completely batty! We were there from about 9:30 t0 2:00 without a nap, so Finn was less than cooperative. Once we got in the car he was sound asleep before we even got out of the driveway.

At home Finn ate take-n-bake pizza and then played hide-n-seek with daddy. He read books with Mama and then watched Chess until he fell asleep.

On a side note, Finn is starting to repeat eveything we say. While getting Finn ready to go pick up the pizza, Michael said something or other "sucks." Just as clear as a bell Finn said "sucks" twice.

While at the pizza place, Finn's hairdresser Danny walked in to get pizza too. Michael said that Finn was very sheepish and wouldn't let Michael put him down. After Danny left, Finn was fine. He got into everything. Wow, those haircuts have really messed him up.


  1. Don't let anybody say "shut up" around him. I can't get Cole to stop saying it.


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