Harry Potter

Today Finn demostrated that he is a boy after his Mama's heart. While patiently waiting for Finn to decide that he was ready for his morning nap, I allowed him to empty the TV cabinet. After removing a few DVDs he got stuck on one imparticular - Harry Potter. He held it out to me and said "Harry Potter"! Well, it sounded like Harry Pod, but it was adorable. Then he brought over the DVD and and wanted to read it. He climbed up in the rocking chair with his new "book" and settled in for a long read.

And thus it begins . . .

Around 12:00 we went to Danny's to get Finn's haircut. It was so awful - I stayed stress out the rest of the day. He screamed/cried the entire time. He seemed to be scared to death. Then to make matters worse he had to go to the doctor's office to get shots for his 18 month well baby check-up.

The check-up went well. Finn weighs 29.5 pounds and is 32.5 inches tall. He was also screened for autism at this visit, which went well. Finn was a terror during the appointment. While I was filling out the paperwork for the autism screen, Finn pulled all the baby pads out of the cabinets and then started on the paper gowns. Thank goodness for the "clean up" song. When I started singing it Finn immediately stopped wreaking havoc and started putting everything back in the cabinets.

After the appointment Finn took a quick nap and then we hung out with Dad the rest of the night. We really had no intention of taking Finn outside since it was so cold, but ended up doing it anyway to make him feel better after falling on his face. I have no idea how Finn still has his front teeth.


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