
Last night Finn fell in the bathroom. I had just gotten him out of the bathtub and sat him on his towel. When he stood up his foot immediately slipped out from underneathe him and he came crashing to the floor. He bumped his head pretty hard and cried his little eyes out. Michael was out of town so I had nobody to freak out with. I was pretty nervous the rest of the night. I probably woke him up every hour from 8:00 through midnight. Around that time I put him in the bed with me, just in case. I tried my best to wake him up, he would stir and open his eyes, but he wouldn't wake all the way up which made me a nervous wreck. I next decided to stand him up in the bed. That didn't work, he just fell over on me. After a little while, and talk with Michael I felt better and put him back in his crib. He did just fine. He woke up at 6:30 just like normal and had a good day.

When we got home from Victoria's today we took him outside and let him play on his lawnmower. He ended up just pushing the mower around. Next we took a bath. During his bath Finn would fill a cup from the running water and pour it on his chest and stomach. While he wasn't looking I turned the water all the way to the cold side and waited for the reaction - it was good.

Near the end of his bath he tee-teed in the water so we pulled him out. While we were getting his diaper and jammies ready Finn ran off into our bedroom. And yes, he finished on our bedroom floor. The second he was finished his put his hand into it - yuck. After washing his hands I brushed Finn's teeth. When I am finished brushing Finn's teeth I give him the toothbrush to let him start learing the process. When he was finished brushing he walked over the garbage can and through his toothbrush in - lovely.


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